Our team
Within the construction industry, Gremound System is internationally the first to cater to mass production through the utilization of Ferro-concrete structures. We firmly believe that we have created the construction technology that is able to provide the solution to the ever-growing, demanding problems of the low-cost housing market.

Farkas László
Managing Director
Owner Economist

Szirmay Zoltán
Director of Research and Construction
Field of research: application of fast-compacting concrete, development and application of reinforcement methodology; tasks related to real estate development; training (vocational training of engineers); part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME); Field of expertise: rehabilitational and reconstructional procedures of cultural heritage sites Dr. László HAJDÚ _ – Director of Research and Planning Field of research: architectural design Field of expertise: professor at the Faculty of Architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).

dr. Hajdú László †
Director of Research and Planning
Field of research: architectural design Field of expertise: professor at the Faculty of Architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

dr. Barcza János
Director of Research and Technical
Mechanical engineer
Field of expertise: candidate of technical sciences, technological design in fast compacting concreten
Social responsibility
During the development of the Gremound system one of the main criterion, beside mass-production, was to be economical; this is important because it shows that even in low-cost housing programmes the goal of creating humane and decent living conditions, while being durable too, is essential and possible.
Among the materials used, the monolithic reinforced concrete structure is responsible for the durability, whilst the gypsum surfaces ensure a better sense of comfort due to their humidity allocation ability. Gremound’s technologic and educational system was set up in a way that it can reach a wide range of society in terms of employment, regardless of sex or age – from high-skilled engineers to actual physical workers, women and men can both find the part of the workflow, where they can exploit their capabilities to the greatest extent.
The annual finished buildings ensure the employees’ and subcontractors’ living, and even with all this, those living in the peripheries of society will still have the opportunity to have quality housing with low maintenance costs.
Contact us
If you are interested in government Low Cost Housing and Social Housing programs