The mass housing technology of the future

By 2030, 6 out of 10 people in the world will be living in cities. The lack of adequate housing is an issue of a global scale, just like the increase of slums and their constantly deteriorating infrastructure, the increasing rate of poverty, unemployment, and crime and the overall absence of safety which all previous points exacerbate. This problem needs a swift solution, which is as easily solvable as possible. The only way cities can undergo sustainable development is through the implementation of affordable housing programs; such changes also mean economic growth and social development too.

The world’s first industrialized non-tectonic construction technology

Gremound systems offer a unique technological framework which is fitted – and finalized – to the needs and the existing resources of the host country. This ensures the most optimal and efficient use of the labour force as well as resources, meanwhile proving that humane conditions can in fact be achieved even in low-cost housing programmes. The greatest advantages of the Gremound technology are speed, flexibility, the mass-involvement of the local unskilled labour force, the usage of local resources and last but not least: its durability and ability to harmoniously fit in with the environment.






Economic effect

The introduction of Gremound and its mechanisms has a tangible positive effect in the local economy in both the producing industry (ex.: cement, iron, gypsum, tiles, bathroom appliances, etc.) and trade. The involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises in the workflow and the systematically given incomes to those directly employed result in the strengthening of the internal consumer market; in consequence the younger generations in poverty have an opportunity to create a realistic vision of breaking free from their current impoverished state, and the long-term effect of this will be the formation of a new middle-class.

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If you are interested in government Low Cost Housing and Social Housing programs

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